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    时间:2021-05-19 点击:









   研究领域为清洁能源高效利用与能量转换,新能源动力系统与装备,氢能储运、提纯以及氢能安全。多年来从事燃烧法能量转换、利用及节能减排研究,发表SCI论文共计45篇,在Applied Energy, Energy, Fuel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Energy Conversion & Management等国际期刊发表SCI共计36篇,个人H因子16。








1. 主持或参与的主要科研项目


2. 主要荣誉及教学科研获奖情况


3. 代表性论文

1A study on impingement heat transfer characteristic of a partially premixed flame on double-concentric-pipe Burner. H.S. Zhen, Z.W. Wang, X.Y. Liu, Z.L. Wei, C.W Leung, Z.H. Huang. Fuel, 284 (2021) 119018. 影响因子5.578/中科院二区/第一作者

2Kinetic modeling investigation on the coupling effects of H2 and CO2 addition on the laminar flame speed of hydrogen enriched biogas mixture. Z.L. Wei, Z. He, H.S. Zhen*; X.S. Zhang, Z.B. Chen, Z.H. Huang, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (2020) 27891-27903. 影响因子4.939/中科院二区/通讯作者

3An experimental study on the effect of DC electric field on impinging flame. H.S. Zhen, Z.W. Wang, X.Y. Liu, Z.L. Wei*; Z.H. Huang, C.W. Leung, Fuel 274 (2020) 117846. 影响因子5.578/中科院二区/第一作者

4Formations and emissions of CO/NO2/NOx in the laminar premixed biogas-hydrogen flame undergoing the flame-wall interaction: Effects of the variable CO2 proportion. Z.L. Wei, H.S. Zhen*; C.W. Leung; C.S. Cheung; Z.H. Huang, Fuel 276 (2020) 118096. 影响因子5.578/中科院二区/通讯作者

5An experimental examination of the role of turbulence on flame impingement heat transfer. H.S. Zhen, T.Y. Zhang, Z.L. Wei*, Z.B. Chen, Z.H. Huang, C.W. Leung. Fuel, 268 (2020) 117329. 影响因子5.578/中科院二区/第一作者

6Effects of unburned gases velocity on the CO/NO2/NOx formations and overall emissions of laminar premixed biogas-hydrogen impinging flame. Z.L. Wei, H.S. Zhen*, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. Energy, 196 (2020) 117146. 影响因子6.082/中科院二区/通讯作者

7Effects of H2 addition on the formation and emissions of CO/NO2/NOx in the laminar premixed biogas-hydrogen flame undergoing the flame-wall interaction. Z.L. Wei*, H.S. Zhen, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. Fuel, 259 (2020) 116257. 影响因子5.578/中科院二区/第二作者

8Experimental and numerical study on the laminar burning velocity of hydrogen enriched biogas mixture. Z.L. Wei*, H.S. Zhen, J. Fu, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 22240-22249. 影响因子4.939/中科院二区/第二作者

9A numerical study of the heat transfer of an impinging round-jet methane Bunsen flame. H.S. Zhen*, L. Zhang, Z.L. Wei, Z.B. Chen, Z.H. Huang. Fuel, 251 (2019) 730-738. 影响因子5.578/中科院二区/第一、通讯作者

10An experimental comparative study of the stabilization mechanism of biogas-hydrogen diffusion flame. H.S. Zhen*, Z.L. Wei, Z.B. Chen, M.W. Xiao, L.R. Fu, Z.H. Huang. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (2019) 1988-1997. 影响因子4.939/中科院二区/第一、通讯作者

11Effect of N2 Replacement by CO2 in Coaxial-Flow on the Combustion and Emission of a Diffusion Flame. H.S. Zhen*, Z.L. Wei, Z.B. Chen. Energies 11 (2018) 5-20. 影响因子2.702/中科院二区/第一、通讯作者

12Experimental and numerical study on the emission characteristics of laminar premixed biogas-hydrogen impinging flame. Z.L. Wei, H.S. Zhen, C.W. Leung*, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. Fuel, 195 (2017) 1-11. 影响因子5.578/中科院二区/第二作者

4. 专利

1《一种带诱导旋流的反扩散火焰燃烧器(实用新型)》,专利号: ZL 2018 2 2146024.4。

2《一种锥形单纳米颗粒种类检测装置(实用新型)》,专利号: CN209878649U。

3《一种基于交流电的主动式微流体混合器(实用新型)》,专利号: CN208229810U。

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