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  • 姓 名:张先满 职 称:副教授 导师类别:硕导 E-mail:xianman2123@163.com

  • 一、个人基本情况
  • 张先满,男,1982年3月生,博士研究生,副教授,博士毕业于华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院材料加工工程专业。
  • 二、主要研究方向
  • 金属材料制备及其耐蚀性
  • 三、开设课程
  • 四、近年的代表性成果

  • 近年的代表性成果

    1. 主持或参与的主要科研项目




    1. 主要荣誉及教学科研获奖情况


    ② 海洋之神登录网站优秀共产党员,中共海洋之神登录网站委员会;

    ③ 海南省其他类高层次人才,中共海南省委人才发展局


    1. 代表性论文

    [1] Xianman Zhang*#, Weiping Chen, Hongfeng Luo, Zicheng Ling, Juan Wang, Teng Zhou, Shuang Li. Influence of Cr on the interfacial boride reaction between Fe-Cr-B cast steel and molten aluminium. Corrosion Science, 2019, 158: 108098.

    [2] Xianman Zhang*#, Weiping Chen, Hongfeng Luo, Shuang Li, Teng Zhou. Effects of Cr and Zn on the interfacial microstructures of borides in Fe-Cr-B cast steels during hot-dipping in Al-Zn alloys. International Journal of Materials Research, 2019, 110(3): 202-208.

    [3] Xianman Zhang*#, Weiping Chen, Hongfeng Luo. Corrosion-wear resistance and interfacial morphologies of novel Fe-Cr-B cast steels in molten aluminum. Tribology Letters, 2018, 66:112.

    [4] Xianman Zhang*#, Weiping Chen, Hongfeng Luo, Shuang Li, Teng Zhou, Liuyong Shi. Corrosion resistance and interfacial morphologies of novel Fe-Cr-Mo-B cast steels in molten aluminum. Corrosion Science, 2017, 125:20-28.

    [5] Xianman Zhang*#, Weiping Chen, Hongfeng Luo, Teng Zhou. Formation of periodic layered structure between novel Fe-Cr-B cast steel and molten aluminum. Scripta Materialia, 2017, 130: 288-291.

    [6] Xian-man ZHANG*#, Hong-feng LUO, Liu-yong SHI. Periodic layered structure formed during the interfacial reaction: A Review. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2016, 23(11): 1127-1133.

    [7] Xianman Zhang*#, Xiaomei Li, Weiping Chen. Interfacial reactions of duplex stainless steels with molten aluminum. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2015, 47(6): 648-656.

    [8] Xian-man ZHANG*#, Wei-ping CHEN. Review on corrosion-wear resistance performance of materials in molten aluminum and its alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25(6): 1715-1731.

    [9] 张先满*#,罗洪峰,史留勇. 高硼铸钢的研究进展,材料导报,2017313):65-71.


    1. 专利

    1张先满罗洪峰,史留勇,汝绍锋,周腾. 一种获得周期性层片结构的制备方法及其材料,2018.05.25, 中国,ZL201610898518.0

    2)张先满,罗洪峰. 一种耐海水腐蚀的含铜高硼钢及制备方法,2020.01.06,中国,ZL201711462661.6


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  • 综合办:0898-66267576 教务办:0898-66271526
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