1. 高压下火焰拉伸和壁面热损失对近壁面预混火焰特性的耦合作用机理研究,海南省科技厅,主持,在研
2. 天然气掺氢稳燃回火极限数值分析,横向课题,主持,在研
3. 天然气-零碳燃料共燃特性实验测试和数值分析,横向课题,参与,在研
4. 火灾调查关键技术科技研究项目,横向课题,参与,在研
1. Zhilong Wei, Xiang Zhang, Lei Wang, Haisheng Zhen*, Simultaneous impacts of H2 and CO2 transport on NO formations of premixed and diffusion opposed flames fueled by biogas-H2 blends, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 60, 949-958.
2. Zhilong Wei, Lei Wang, Xiang Zhang, Haisheng Zhen, The coupling influence of chemical/physical effects of NH3 on the NO formation in the premixed CH4–NH3 flames, Journal of Energy Insitute, 2024, 114, 101614.
3. Zhilong Wei, Xiang Zhang, Lei Wang, Pengfei Song, Lei Chen, Meng Zhang, Haisheng Zhen. Transport and reactivity effects of H2 additive on NO formation of NH3-H2 counterflow diffusion flames. Fuel, 2024, 375, 132543.
4. Wenwen Wang, Yajie Pang, Shitao Zhi, Zhilong Wei*, Haisheng Zhen**. Comparative study on the local hybrid combustion characteristics of the CH4-NH3 laminar premixed flames with/without the wall effects. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 83, 650-659.
5. Zhilong Wei, Lei Wang, Xiang Zhang, Lin Liu, Guanglong Huang, Haisheng Zhen. Effects of flame impingement on the stability and NO/CO emissions of laminar premixed methane-ammonia impinging flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 83, 1078-1086.
1. | 一种用于纯氢燃气灶具的微预混燃烧炉头 |
2. | 一种DC-DC可变电压转换装置 |
3. | 一种保护质子交换膜燃料电池装置 |
4. | 一种紧凑型多功能燃烧器 |
5 | 一种多功能火焰实验燃烧器 |